Last day of Winter Open Studios ICB in Sausalito. 75 artists are ready to welcome you into our studi

Last day of Winter Open Studios ICB in Sausalito. 75 artists are ready to welcome you into our studios. It’s free, family friendly and dogs are welcome too. TODAY SUNDAY December 5th, 11am – 5pm : Heath Ceramics Annual Makers Market is happening right next door Saturday and Sunday too My studio Location Industrial […]
Winter Open Studios ICB in Sausalito is this weekend. 75 artists are ready to welcome you into our s

Winter Open Studios ICB in Sausalito is this weekend. 75 artists are ready to welcome you into our studios. It’s free, family friendly and dogs are welcome too. FRIDAY Dec 3rd, 5 – 8pm Preview Friday evening event. SATURDAY + SUNDAY December 4th & 5th, 11am – 5pm A COUPLE OF NEW THINGS THIS YEAR: […]
Hello from my studio in Sausalito. Close up of the detail on a Braided Series painting “Delta Blue

Hello from my studio in Sausalito. Close up of the detail on a Braided Series painting “Delta Blues” 47” Round (120cm)Painting is commission for If you would like a commissioned painting please DM me for details. List of my available paintings with pricing is linked in my bio. . . If you would like a […]
Hello from my studio in Sausalito. Close up of the detail on a Braided Series painting “Delta Blue

Hello from my studio in Sausalito. Close up of the detail on a Braided Series painting “Delta Blues” 47” Round (120cm)Painting is commission for If you would like a commissioned painting please DM me for details. List of my available paintings with pricing is linked in my bio. . . If you would like a […]
Good morning from Sausalito. Close up of the detail on a Shard Series painting “Center Up” 24×24

Good morning from Sausalito. Close up of the detail on a Shard Series painting “Center Up” 24×24 (60x60cm)Painting is available please DM for details. List of my available paintings with pricing is linked in my bio. . . If you would like a private Zoom or FaceTime studio visit please let me know by DM […]
Close up of the detail on a Shard Series painting. Jagged Slide 48×48 (121x121cm) Painting is availa

Close up of the detail on a Shard Series painting. Jagged Slide 48×48 (121x121cm) Painting is available. List of my available paintings with pricing is linked in my bio. . . If you would like a private Zoom or FaceTime studio visit please let me know by DM or email . . . . […]
Thanks to everyone who zoomed into my 2 day open studio event. Was great to visit with people from a

Thanks to everyone who zoomed into my 2 day open studio event. Was great to visit with people from all over and have them take a peek into my art studio and artwork. For folks that missed the event a list of most of my available work is linked in my bio. . If you […]
Ready set zoom in – it’s happening again today – Come check out my art studio for a live virtual o

Ready set zoom in – it’s happening again today – Come check out my art studio for a live virtual open studio. Zoom info in my bio link. When? Saturday May 16th and Sunday May 17th. 11am to 6pm (PST) Lots to see – Check out my new paintings and favorites too. I’ll be showing […]
Ready set go – it’s happening this weekend – Zoom into my art studio for a tour live virtual open

Ready set go – it’s happening this weekend – Zoom into my art studio for a tour live virtual open studio . When? Saturday May 16th and Sunday May 17th. 11am to 6pm (PST) Lots to see – Check out my new paintings and favorites too. I’ll be showing a demo of my process. Better […]
This weekend as part of my zoom open studio – artist @michaelcutlip will be joining the virtual show

This weekend as part of my zoom open studio – artist will be joining the virtual show to discuss our recent collaboration project. Six collab paintings will be part of the open studio. Michael will be joining in at 2pm (PST) on both Saturday and Sunday. . . Event Dates: Saturday May 16th and Sunday […]
This Weekend. You are invited! Zoom into my art studio for a tour this weekend – Please join me for
This Weekend. You are invited! Zoom into my art studio for a tour this weekend – Please join me for a live Zoom virtual open studio Saturday May 16th and Sunday May 17th. 11am to 6pm (PST) Lots to see – Check out my new paintings and favorites too. I’ll be showing a demo of […]
You are invited! Zoom into my art studio this weekend – Please join me for a live Zoom virtual open

You are invited! Zoom into my art studio this weekend – Please join me for a live Zoom virtual open studio Saturday May 16th and Sunday May 17th. 11am to 6pm (PST) Lots to see – Check out my new paintings and favorites too. I’ll be showing a demo of my process. Better yet buy […]
You are invited! Zoom into my art studio this weekend – Please join me for a live Zoom virtual open
You are invited! Zoom into my art studio this weekend – Please join me for a live Zoom virtual open studio Saturday May 16th and Sunday May 17th. 11am to 6pm (PST) Lots to see – Check out my new paintings and favorites too. I’ll be showing a demo of my process. Better yet buy […]
Zoom into my art studio this weekend – Please join me for a live Zoom virtual open studio Saturday M
Zoom into my art studio this weekend – Please join me for a live Zoom virtual open studio Saturday May 16th and Sunday May 17th. 11am to 6pm (PST) Lots to see – Check out my new paintings and favorites too. I’ll be showing a demo of my process. Better yet buy a painting for […]
Last day of open studios is today from 11am to 6pm. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some art today for Mother’s Day. @marinopenstudios is this weekend. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists @icbartists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the ICB 480 Gate 5 Road Sausalito Ca 94965 There are 50 participating @icbartists open for a true art market experience in one building . .

brianhuberart Tagged: openstudios hangingart artconsultant mothersdaygiftideas abstractpainter gallerywall openhouse artlife artgallery studiovisit studiotour icbartists artshow artevent marin familytime brianhuberart marinopenstudios artforsalebyartist studiotime sausalito artforsale abstractart artcollecting mothersdayweekend artcollectors artcollector painterslife artstudio
Last day of open studios is today from 11am to 6pm. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some
Last day of open studios is today from 11am to 6pm. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some art today for Mother’s Day. is this weekend. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the ICB 480 Gate 5 Road Sausalito Ca […]
Last day of open studios is today from 11am to 6pm. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some
Last day of open studios is today from 11am to 6pm. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some art today for Mother’s Day. is this weekend. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the ICB 480 Gate 5 Road Sausalito Ca […]
New pieces from my Shard Series are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some art for Mother’s Day @marinopenstudios kicks off today for 2 art filled days. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists @icbartists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the ICB 480 Gate 5 Road Sausalito Ca 94965 There are 50 participating @icbartists open for a true art

brianhuberart Tagged: artevent brianhuberart openstudios marinopenstudios artcollectors artforsale artcollector abstractart abstractpainter artconsultant hangingart studiovisit marin studiotour artgallery artcollecting gallerywall icbartists sausalito studiotime painterslife familytime artforsalebyartist mothersdayweekend artshow artlife mothersdaygiftideas openhouse artstudio
New pieces from my Shard Series are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to tak
New pieces from my Shard Series are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to take your mom out to see some art for Mother’s Day kicks off today for 2 art filled days. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the […]
New pieces from my Shard Series are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to tak
New pieces from my Shard Series are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to take your mom out to see some art for Mother’s Day kicks off today for 2 art filled days. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the […]
A couple of my fav Braided Series paintings just returned from a show and are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some art this Mother’s Day weekend. @marinopenstudios kicks off this weekend with 2 art filled days and a new evening event. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists @icbartists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the ICB 480 Gate

brianhuberart Tagged: artforsale sausalito studiotime artshow artcollectors brianhuberart artcollecting hangingart abstractpainter artstudio artcollector artforsalebyartist artconsultant artgallery gallerywall painterslife mothersdayweekend mothersdaygiftideas icbartists abstractart studiovisit openstudios studiotour artlife marin openhouse artevent marinopenstudios familytime
A couple of my fav Braided Series paintings just returned from a show and are available at my open s
A couple of my fav Braided Series paintings just returned from a show and are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some art this Mother’s Day weekend. kicks off this weekend with 2 art filled days and a new evening event. Please join me and […]
A couple of my fav Braided Series paintings just returned from a show and are available at my open s
A couple of my fav Braided Series paintings just returned from a show and are available at my open studios this weekend. Don’t forget to take your mom out the see some art this Mother’s Day weekend. kicks off this weekend with 2 art filled days and a new evening event. Please join me and […]
A few small pieces for this weekends show. Get your art on this weekend! Take your mom out the see s
A few small pieces for this weekends show. Get your art on this weekend! Take your mom out the see some art this Mother’s Day weekend. kicks off this weekend with 2 art filled days and a new evening event. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in […]
A few small pieces for this weekends show. Get your art on this weekend! Take your mom out the see s
A few small pieces for this weekends show. Get your art on this weekend! Take your mom out the see some art this Mother’s Day weekend. kicks off this weekend with 2 art filled days and a new evening event. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in […]
A few small pieces for this weekends show. Get your art on this weekend! Take your mom out the see some art this Mother’s Day weekend. @marinopenstudios kicks off this weekend with 2 art filled days and a new evening event. Please join me and my fellow ICB artists @icbartists during Open Studios. . Location: I’m in studio 275 at the ICB 480 Gate 5 Road Sausalito Ca 94965 There are 50 participating @icbartists open

brianhuberart Tagged: mothersdaygiftideas artstudio gallerywall artlife artgallery openstudios sausalito abstractpainter marin artcollecting marinopenstudios artshow artforsalebyartist studiotour hangingart icbartists familytime painterslife openhouse mothersdayweekend brianhuberart studiotime artevent abstractart studiovisit artforsale artcollectors artcollector artconsultant