In the studio: Timelapse of a four panel work in progress “shard series” 48×48 (121x121cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this upcoming weekend. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to 9 pm and open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm each day. 50 artists showing
on Apr 28, 2019
in Instagram Posts

Tagged: wip artforsale workinprogress artgallery openhouse icbartists artist timelapses gesturalabstraction artshowprep marinopenstudios underpainting timelapsepainting modernpainting gestural mothersdayweekend artstudios interiordecorator artfair artwork showprep studiolife artmarket artconsultant lapse abstractpainter