Recent and Installed Work
Please enjoy my abstract exploration of the world that surrounds us.
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Current & Upcoming Shows:
Winter Open Studios 2024
December 5th Operning reception: 5 to 8 pm
December 6th and 7th:
11am to 5pm ICB In Sausalito
Brian Huber’s work is based on the abstraction of landscapes, architectural elements and the impact of man on the natural world. The rhythmic motion found in most of the paintings springs from blues and jazz music from his youth.
From Instagram & Blog
Thanks Ann McKendrick and Stuart McKendrick for sending a bit of Mardi Gras our way. King Cake to ki

Thanks Ann McKendrick and Stuart McKendrick for sending a bit of Mardi Gras our way. King Cake to kick off the Mardi Gras season. brianhuberart %%likes%% Tagged:
#Repost one man in the case Joe Eichler can make a big difference with some effort. ・・・
Eichler Homes were revolutionary- not just for their designs but for their racial policies. In 1950, a law was passed prohibiting the FHA from providing loans to Black people. Not only that, but any homebuilder who assisted a Black buyer from obtaining a loan or even purchasing a home in their development risked losing their FHA funding for the entire tract. But Joe Eichler fought this and lobbied Washington to get the law changed. He also found loopholes and other ways to enable African-Americans to buy homes in his developments, despite the risk. In one famous episode, Eichler sold a home to a Black doctor and his family in Terra Linda. The neighbors started to protest and Eichler went door-to-door personally to each homeowner to confront them, and even offered to buy back their homes. Within a year, every single person there had come around and were supportive. Nobody sold their homes. .
#eichler #eichlerhomes #eichlerliving #makeadifference #redlining #saynotoracism #onemancanmakeadifference #joeeichler
Tagged: saynotoracism redlining eichler onemancanmakeadifference eichlerhomes repost joeeichler makeadifference eichlerliving