Today in art land: 2nd round of photo capture with Don Felton from @almac_camera At Almac Camera tod
Today in art land: 2nd round of photo capture with Don Felton from At Almac Camera today to reshoot a few pieces with a more versatile light setup. Also brought a few extra paintings along for the ride. Don is the master of fine art photography and it was very educational to be working with […]
Today in art land: 2nd round of photo capture with Don Felton
Today in art land: 2nd round of photo capture with Don Felton At Almac Camera today to reshoot a few pieces with a more versatile light setup. Also brought a few extra paintings along for the ride. Don is the master of fine art photography and it was very educational to be working with him. […]
In the studio: Photo capture night with Don Felton
In the studio: Photo capture night with Don Felton from @almac_camera Don is the master of fine art photography and I can’t wait to see the final pics. Tonight’s shoot was three pieces as a test of lighting and techniques. Next up is a larger shoot at his studio in San Francisco..thanks to Chris Adessa […]
In the studio: Photo capture night with Don Felton from @almac_camera Don is the master of fine art
In the studio: Photo capture night with Don Felton from Don is the master of fine art photography and I can’t wait to see the final pics. Tonight’s shoot was three pieces as a test of lighting and techniques. Next up is a larger shoot at his studio in San Francisco..thanks to Chris Adessa for […]
You are invited – tomorrow Saturday July 20th – over 40 amazing art studios open at the @icbartists
You are invited – tomorrow Saturday July 20th – over 40 amazing art studios open at the – come explore at our annual “ARTISTS AT WORK” open house – from 12 to 5 pm – Check out artists working,creating and painting in their studios. Lots of fun hands on demos and a peek behind the […]
You are invited over 40 amazing art studios open at the ICB Artists
You are invited – tomorrow Saturday July 20th – over 40 amazing art studios open at the @icbartists – come explore at our annual “ARTISTS AT WORK” open house – from 12 to 5 pm – Check out artists working,creating and painting in their studios. Lots of fun hands on demos and a peek behind […]
In the studio: Touch up day. Paint is guaranteed to dry quickly as Bay Area is having a bit of a hea
In the studio: Touch up day. Paint is guaranteed to dry quickly as Bay Area is having a bit of a heat wave. This piece off to Sacramento tomorrow for install with the team from Art delivery road trip begins early. Thanks for the follows and comments on Instagram-. . . #touchup #zincwhite #artist #artwork […]
In the studio: Touch up day. Paint is guaranteed to dry quickly as Bay Area is having a bit of a heat wave.
In the studio: Touch up day. Paint is guaranteed to dry quickly as Bay Area is having a bit of a heat wave. This piece off to Sacramento tomorrow for install with the team from @artconsultingservices Art delivery road trip begins early. Thanks for the follows and comments on Instagram-. . . brianhuberart […]
Beautiful day to be out looking at art. My studio is open today 11-6 and tomorrow for Mother’s Day
Beautiful day to be out looking at art. My studio is open today 11-6 and tomorrow for Mother’s Day. Bring mom for an art filled day exploring at the ICB in Sausalito. is the not to miss art event in Marin Ca. . . #brianhuberart #mothersdayweekend #icbartists #marinopenstudios #artshow modernpainting #studiolife #gesturalabstraction #underpainting #gestural #showprep […]
Visit my art studio this weekend during @marinopenstudios Open studios continues this Saturday and S
Visit my art studio this weekend during Open studios continues this Saturday and Sunday May 11th and 12th (Mother’s Day) from 11am to 6pm. . . – . Well worth a visit with many artists showing in one amazing building. . . . . . #mothersday2019 #artstudio #artist #artwork #showprep #modernpainting #studiolife #gesturalabstraction #underpainting #gestural […]
Visit my art studio this weekend during Marin Open Studios
Visit my art studio this weekend during @marinopenstudios Open studios continues this Saturday and Sunday May 11th and 12th (Mother’s Day) from 11am to 6pm. . . – . Well worth a visit with many @icbartists artists showing in one amazing building. . . . . . brianhuberart Tagged: gesturalabstraction artist artfair hangart […]
Quick video recap of weekend one during @marinopenstudios Open studios continues next Saturday and S
Quick video recap of weekend one during Open studios continues next Saturday and Sunday May 11th and 12th (Mother’s Day) from 11am to 6pm. . . – . Well worth a visit with many artists showing in one amazing building. . . . . . #mothersday2019 #artstudio #artist #artwork #showprep #modernpainting #studiolife #gesturalabstraction #underpainting #gestural […]
Quick video recap of weekend one during @marinopenstudios Open studios continues next Saturday and Sunday May 11th and 12th (Mother’s Day) from 11am to 6pm. . . – . Well worth a visit with many @icbartists artists showing in one amazing building. . . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: underpainting wip studiolife mothersday2019 lapse artforsale artconsultant modernpainting artwork artfair artmarket marinopenstudios interiordecorator artstudio workinprogress hangart brianhuberart icbartists showprep mothersday artstudios artgallery openhouse artshowprep mothersdayweekend artist gestural abstractpainter gesturalabstraction
Quick video spin around the studio during @marinopenstudios Art open studios continues tomorrow from
Quick video spin around the studio during Art open studios continues tomorrow from 11am to 6pm. Come visit my studio tomorrow Sunday and the following weekend. . . Open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm May 4 & 5 and 11 & 12 . . . Well worth a visit with 50 […]
Quick video spin around the studio during @marinopenstudios Art open studios continues tomorrow from 11am to 6pm. Come visit my studio tomorrow Sunday and the following weekend. . . Open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm May 4 & 5 and 11 & 12 . . . Well worth a visit with 50 @icbartists artists showing in one amazing building. . . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: gesturalabstraction artwork artfair workinprogress gestural interiordecorator timelapses icbartists artstudios lapse underpainting artforsale openhouse modernpainting timelapsepainting showprep mothersdayweekend abstractpainter studiolife artconsultant artshowprep artgallery marinopenstudios hangart artist artmarket wip
In the studio: One minute to hang my art for @marinopenstudios Festivities start with a preview part
In the studio: One minute to hang my art for Festivities start with a preview party tonight May 3rd at 6pm. Come see me in my studio the next two weekends. at the ICB art studios in Sausalito. . . . Opening party Friday night May 3rd 6 to 9 pm and open studios Saturday […]
In the studio: Last piece of four coming together for @marinopenstudios Timelapse of a four panel work in progress. This is my 3rd piece in this style and will have all of them on the wall this weekend. 24×96 (60x243cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and textures. Come see me on my studio the next two weekends. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night May
brianhuberart Tagged: underpainting gesturalabstraction timelapses artist artgallery abstractpainter artfair artforsale marinopenstudios gestural interiordecorator icbartists artconsultant artshowprep modernpainting showprep mothersdayweekend artwork wip lapse artstudios openhouse timelapsepainting artmarket studiolife workinprogress
In the studio: Last piece of four coming together for @marinopenstudios Timelapse of a four panel wo
In the studio: Last piece of four coming together for Timelapse of a four panel work in progress. This is my 3rd piece in this style and will have all of them on the wall this weekend. 24×96 (60x243cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and textures. Come see me on my […]
In the studio: Last pieces coming together for @marinopenstudios Timelapse of a four panel work in progress. This is my 2nd piece in this style and will have 3 of them on the wall this weekend. 24×96 (60x243cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and textures. Come see me on my studio the next two weekends. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night May 3rd 6
brianhuberart Tagged: artgallery workinprogress wip interiordecorator artforsale artwork icbartists abstractpainter gesturalabstraction showprep mothersdayweekend marinopenstudios studiolife gestural timelapsepainting artfair timelapses lapse artshowprep modernpainting artstudios artist underpainting openhouse artconsultant artmarket
In the studio: Last pieces coming together for @marinopenstudios Timelapse of a four panel work in p
In the studio: Last pieces coming together for Timelapse of a four panel work in progress. This is my 2nd piece in this style and will have 3 of them on the wall this weekend. 24×96 (60x243cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and textures. Come see me on my studio the […]
In the studio: Timelapse of a four panel work in progress “shard series” 48×48 (121x121cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this upcoming weekend. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to 9 pm and open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm each day. 50 artists showing
brianhuberart Tagged: wip artforsale workinprogress artgallery openhouse icbartists artist timelapses gesturalabstraction artshowprep marinopenstudios underpainting timelapsepainting modernpainting gestural mothersdayweekend artstudios interiordecorator artfair artwork showprep studiolife artmarket artconsultant lapse abstractpainter
In the studio: Timelapse of a four panel work in progress “shard series” 40×40 (101x101cm) piece
In the studio: Timelapse of a four panel work in progress “shard series” 40×40 (101x101cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this upcoming weekend. at the Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to […]
In the studio: Timelapse of a four panel work in progress “shard series” 48×48 (121x121cm) piece. These series of paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this upcoming weekend. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to 9 pm and open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm each day. 50 artists showing
brianhuberart Tagged: artgallery artshowprep artconsultant underpainting openhouse timelapsepainting artwork artforsale artfair icbartists workinprogress interiordecorator artist mothersdayweekend gestural lapse marinopenstudios artstudios timelapses artmarket gesturalabstraction wip abstractpainter showprep modernpainting studiolife
Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 24×24 (60x60cm) piece. These
Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 24×24 (60x60cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added too. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this upcoming weekend. at the Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 […]
Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 24×24 (60x60cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added too. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this upcoming weekend. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to 9 pm and open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm each day. 50 artists
brianhuberart Tagged: artforsale gesturalabstraction artshowprep wip timelapsepainting abstractpainter artfair artwork workinprogress marinopenstudios gestural artconsultant artstudios icbartists showprep lapse underpainting artgallery artist timelapses artmarket mothersdayweekend modernpainting interiordecorator openhouse studiolife
Sunday in the studio: The 18 pieces have now multiplied to 21. Seems like a good idea! Maybe not 😶! The multiple under coats is now on layer 3 of 4 coats. May need 5 coats to get these canvas and panels to the glossy and rich base surface I like. A series of multi panel gestural pieces are in the works. Stay tuned for more art vids and studio adventures. . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: blizzard artvid brianhuberart studiotime artstudio inthestudio whitepaint interiordesign createart goldenpaints paintmixing studioflow bayareaart abstractpainter videooftheday artvideo wip artcollector videoart artcommission toomuch layers lapse workinprogress crankitup tondo painterslife artconsultant sanfranciscoartist artistslife