27 Apr 2019

Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 24×24 (60x60cm) piece. These

Posted in Instagram Posts

Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 24×24 (60x60cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added too. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this upcoming weekend. at the Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 […]

26 Feb 2019

Come visit my art studio during our 2nd annual ARTISTS AT WORK! event. Visit 50+ ICB artists as they

Posted in Instagram Posts

Come visit my art studio #275 during our 2nd annual ARTISTS AT WORK! event. Visit 50+ ICB artists as they work in their studios, mess and all! Please come see us in action–wildly creating–that’s what we do. The ICB building in Sausalito is home to over 140 artists who work in various mediums including painting, […]

26 Feb 2019
28 May 2018

Back in the studio this Memorial Day: Getting back to work on a “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm)

Posted in Instagram Posts

Back in the studio this Memorial Day: Getting back to work on a “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added.Thanks for the follows and comments on Instagram-. . . #artist #artwork #showprep #modernpainting #studiolife #gesturalabstraction #underpainting #gestural #showprep #wip #workinprogress #icbartists #artforsale #artgallery #abstractpainter […]

28 May 2018

Back in the studio this Memorial Day: Getting back to work on a “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm)

Posted in Instagram Posts

Back in the studio this Memorial Day: Getting back to work on a “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added.Thanks for the follows and comments on Instagram-. . . #artist #artwork #showprep #modernpainting #studiolife #gesturalabstraction #underpainting #gestural #showprep #wip #workinprogress #icbartists #artforsale #artgallery #abstractpainter […]

28 May 2018

Back in the studio this Memorial Day: Getting back to work on a “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added.Thanks for the follows and comments on Instagram-. . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
Back in the studio this Memorial Day: Getting back to work on a “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added.Thanks for the follows and comments on Instagram-. . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: underpainting artshowprep texture wip artgallery modernpainting workinprogress memorialdayweekend artwork studioday artist interiordecorator gestural artfair artforsale showprep abstractpainter studiolife icbartists artconsultant artmarket artstudios gesturalabstraction

7 May 2018

Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. Thes

Posted in Instagram Posts

Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added too. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this weekend. at the Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to […]

7 May 2018

Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. Thes

Posted in Instagram Posts

Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 60×60 (152x152cm) piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added too. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this weekend. at the Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to […]

7 May 2018

Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 60×60 piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added too. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this weekend. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to 9 pm and open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm each day. 50 artists showing in

Posted in Instagram Posts
Back in the studio: Timelapse of a work in progress “shard series” 60×60 piece. These paintings start with multiple undercoats and some gestural scraping and texture added too. This and other Shard pieces will be shown in my studio this weekend. @marinopenstudios at the @icbartists Icb art studios in Sausalito. Opening party Friday night 6 to 9 pm and open studios Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm each day. 50 artists showing in

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: artforsale icbartists studiolife showprep abstractpainter modernpainting interiordecorator workinprogress gestural artfair artmarket artshowprep artwork timelapses timelapsepainting artgallery mothersdayweekend artconsultant wip artist openhouse gesturalabstraction underpainting artstudios marinopenstudios lapse

18 May 2016

In the studio: @danaspaethphotgraphy is shooting amazing photos for the new @icb_artists_association

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: @danaspaethphotgraphy is shooting amazing photos for the new @icb_artists_association

In the studio: is shooting amazing photos for the new website and winter open studios project. The ICB has over 90 artists under one roof. Looking forward to the finished project. #makeyourmark #icb #icbbuilding #blackandwhitephotography #visitsausalito #art #artstudios #abstract #photoshoot #newwebsite #headshot #headshotphotographer #studiovisit #inthestudio #brianhuberart #danaspaethphotography #promotion #thanks brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart %%likes%% Tagged: makeyourmark icb […]

18 May 2016
18 May 2016

In the studio: @danaspaethphotgraphy is shooting amazing photos for the new @icb_artists_association

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: is shooting amazing photos for the new website and winter open studios project. The ICB has over 90 artists under one roof. Looking forward to the finished project. #makeyourmark #icb #icbbuilding #blackandwhitephotography #visitsausalito #art #artstudios #abstract #photoshoot #newwebsite #headshot #headshotphotographer #studiovisit #inthestudio #brianhuberart #danaspaethphotography #promotion #thanks brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart %%likes%% Tagged: makeyourmark icb […]