10 Nov 2017

In the studio: Timelapse video of lots of blue paint. Yea! This is the final color of 8 for this round of paint pours and paint skin production. Still a few more multi layer pours to go to complete all materials needed for this color palette. Stay tuned for more adventures in the studio. . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Timelapse video of lots of blue paint. Yea! This is the final color of 8 for this round of paint pours and paint skin production. Still a few more multi layer pours to go to complete all materials needed for this color palette. Stay tuned for more adventures in the studio. . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: californiaartist paintmixingvideos acrylicpaint midcenturymodern blue slowmotion contemporaryart abstractpainting paintmixing brianhuberart timelapse bluepainting acrylicpainting mixingpaint artvideo artstudio modernartist artprocess abstractpainter painterslife timelapseart bluepaint process paintingfun painter studiotime primarycolors artistslife artlife

14 Oct 2017

In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and go

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and got 5 minutes of video of the studio floor! I do get extra points for utilizing the 8 year old art assistant as a counter weight The luscious blue extravaganza continues. I’ll add another coat […]

14 Oct 2017

In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and we got 5 minutes of the studio floor! The Luscious blue extravaganza continues. I’ll add another coat then 4 to 5 days to dry. Stay tuned. . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and we got 5 minutes of the studio floor! The Luscious blue extravaganza continues. I’ll add another coat then 4 to 5 days to dry. Stay tuned. . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: californiaartist slowmotion blue artist abstract_art primarycolors artistslife brianhuberart artlife paintingwithatwist liquidacrylic dontdropthecamera goldenpaints artprocess timelapseart acrylicpaint modernartist bluepaint painterslife abstractpainter painter paintmixing paintingfun paintmixingvideos process timelapse acrylicpainting artstudio artvideo studiotime

14 Oct 2017

In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and go

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and got 5 minutes of video of the studio floor! I do get extra points for utilizing the 8 year old art assistant as a counter weight The luscious blue extravaganza continues. I’ll add another coat […]

11 Oct 2017

In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color d

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color down -Seven or eight colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Lots of liquid acrylics and gels to get the desired quality and finish in my work. Stay tuned . […]

11 Oct 2017

In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color down -Seven or eight colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Lots of @goldenpaints liquid acrylics and gels to get the desired quality and finish in my work. Stay tuned . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color down -Seven or eight colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Lots of @goldenpaints liquid acrylics and gels to get the desired quality and finish in my work. Stay tuned . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: artist primarycolors artistslife artvideo artstudio paintmixing timelapse paintmixingvideos timelapseart blue paintingwithatwist liquidacrylic process studiotime slowmotion painterslife goldenpaints brianhuberart paintingfun californiaartist artprocess abstractpainter modernartist acrylicpainting mixingpaint abstract_art acrylicpaint bluepaint artlife painter

11 Oct 2017

In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color d

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color down -Seven or eight colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Lots of liquid acrylics and gels to get the desired quality and finish in my work. Stay tuned . […]

10 Oct 2017

In the studio: Luscious blue extravaganza! Another round of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I'll have some of the materials to get started on next painting . . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Luscious blue extravaganza! Another round of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I'll have some of the materials to get started on next painting . . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: artvideo timelapseart modernartist paintingfun paintmixing brianhuberart abstractpainter artist painterslife paintmixingvideos californiaartist mixingpaint slowmotion artistslife blue abstract_art artstudio liquidacrylic artlife process studiotime artprocess timelapse bluepaint primarycolors acrylicpaint acrylicpainting painter paintingwithatwist goldenpaints

10 Oct 2017

In the studio: Luscious blue extravaganza! Another round of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels an

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Luscious blue extravaganza! Another round of pouring gallons of gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I’ll have some of the materials to get started on next painting . . . . . #painter #bluepaint #liquidacrylic #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess […]

10 Oct 2017

In the studio: Luscious blue extravaganza! Another round of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels an

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Luscious blue extravaganza! Another round of pouring gallons of gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I’ll have some of the materials to get started on next painting . . . . . #painter #bluepaint #liquidacrylic #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess […]

15 Apr 2017

In the studio: Lime green extravaganza! Day seven of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Lime green extravaganza! Day seven of pouring gallons of gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I’ll finally have enough materials to get started on next painting . . . . . #painter #limegreen #greenpaint #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife […]

15 Apr 2017

In the studio: Lime green extravaganza! Day seven of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Lime green extravaganza! Day seven of pouring gallons of gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I’ll finally have enough materials to get started on next painting . . . . . #painter #limegreen #greenpaint #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife […]

15 Apr 2017

In the studio: Lime green extravaganza! Day seven of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I'll finally have enough materials to get started on next painting . . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Lime green extravaganza! Day seven of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and I'll finally have enough materials to get started on next painting . . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Check out my latest photo from Instagram Tagged: mixingpaint abstractpainter springcolors slowmotion artistslife acrylicpainting greenpaint bluepaint limegreen goldenpaints acrylicpaint paintingfun blue studiotime artlife abstract_art artist paintmixingvideos paintingwithatwist painterslife artstudio paintmixing process brianhuberart californiaartist painter artvideo modernartist artprocess

14 Apr 2017

In the studio: Day six of pouring and peeling giant sheets of blue paint. Finally dry and now rollin

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Day six of pouring and peeling giant sheets of blue paint. Finally dry and now rolling up and storing the paint skins . is again today’s studio assistant imported from Atlanta. . . #painter #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife #blue #bluepaint #acrylicpaint #acrylicpainting #painterslife #studiotime #goldenpaints #slowmotion #artlife #process #abstractpainter #artist […]

14 Apr 2017

In the studio: Day six of pouring and peeling giant sheets of blue paint. Finally dry and now rollin

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Day six of pouring and peeling giant sheets of blue paint. Finally dry and now rolling up and storing the paint skins . is again today’s studio assistant imported from Atlanta. . . #painter #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife #blue #bluepaint #acrylicpaint #acrylicpainting #painterslife #studiotime #goldenpaints #slowmotion #artlife #process #abstractpainter #artist […]

14 Apr 2017

In the studio: Day six of pouring and peeling giant sheets of blue paint. Finally dry and now rolling up and storing the paint skins . @gracejhuber is again today's studio assistant imported from Atlanta. . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Day six of pouring and peeling giant sheets of blue paint. Finally dry and now rolling up and storing the paint skins . @gracejhuber is again today's studio assistant imported from Atlanta. . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Check out my latest photo from Instagram Tagged: brianhuberart artistslife paintingwithatwist artvideo paintmixingvideos artlife paintparty abstractpainter artist mixingpaint artprocess blue paintingfun slowmotion painterslife goldenpaints studiotime acrylicpaint artstudio bluepaint californiaartist paintmixing process acrylicpainting painter springbreak

13 Apr 2017

In the studio: Day five of pouring gallons of paint on every available flat surface! More gallons of

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Day five of pouring gallons of paint on every available flat surface! More gallons of are blue are on today’s to do list. 4 to 5 days to dry and I’ll have enough materials to get started on next painting . . . #painter #pouring #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife #blue […]

13 Apr 2017

In the studio: Day five of pouring gallons of paint on every available flat surface! More gallons of

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Day five of pouring gallons of paint on every available flat surface! More gallons of are blue are on today’s to do list. 4 to 5 days to dry and I’ll have enough materials to get started on next painting . . . #painter #pouring #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife #blue […]

13 Apr 2017

In the studio: Day five of pouring gallons of paint on every available flat surface! More gallons of are blue are on today's to do list. 4 to 5 days to dry and I'll have enough materials to get started on next painting . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Day five of pouring gallons of paint on every available flat surface! More gallons of are blue are on today's to do list. 4 to 5 days to dry and I'll have enough materials to get started on next painting . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Check out my latest photo from Instagram Tagged: acrylicpaint painterslife bluepaint brianhuberart process californiaartist artist paintingwithatwist artvideo slowmotion goldenpaints paintmixingvideos pouring studiotime artprocess artstudio artlife acrylicpainting paintingfun artistslife painter mixingpaint abstractpainter paintmixing blue

4 Jan 2017

Off to the the La Art Show: I'm sure this will be one of the smaller paintings at the @laartsho

Posted in Instagram Posts

Off to the the La Art Show: I’m sure this will be one of the smaller paintings at the Happy to have a piece as part of the booth 829 at the Los Angeles Art Fair. My goal for 2017 is to have my work on either show or art fair walls all 365 days […]

4 Jan 2017

Off to the the La Art Show: I'm sure this will be one of the smaller paintings at the @laartsho

Posted in Instagram Posts
Off to the the La Art Show: I'm sure this will be one of the smaller paintings at the @laartsho

Off to the the La Art Show: I’m sure this will be one of the smaller paintings at the Happy to have a piece as part of the booth 829 at the Los Angeles Art Fair. My goal for 2017 is to have my work on either show or art fair walls all 365 days […]

4 Jan 2017
25 Nov 2016
23 Nov 2016

In the studio: Second layer pour of white over blue. One more cobalt blue layer to go for the perfec

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Second layer pour of white over blue. One more cobalt blue layer to go for the perfect acrylic paint sandwich. Stay tuned for the next steps in creating a new painting. Video created by studio assistant . . . #painter #pouring #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife #blue #bluepaint #acrylicpaint #acrylicpainting #painterslife […]

23 Nov 2016

In the studio: Second layer pour of white over blue. One more cobalt blue layer to go for the perfec

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Second layer pour of white over blue. One more cobalt blue layer to go for the perfec

In the studio: Second layer pour of white over blue. One more cobalt blue layer to go for the perfect acrylic paint sandwich. Stay tuned for the next steps in creating a new painting. Video created by studio assistant . . . #painter #pouring #slowmotion #brianhuberart #artvideo #artstudio #artprocess #artistslife #blue #bluepaint #acrylicpaint #acrylicpainting #painterslife […]

15 Nov 2016

This piece Archipelago is currently available at @jorgemendezgallery in Palm Springs Ca. 36"x36

Posted in Instagram Posts

This piece Archipelago is currently available at in Palm Springs Ca. 36″x36″ (91x91cm) acrylic texture and acrylic pours on canvas wrapped panel. From my Braided Series. My show at is up through November 30th. 756 N Palm Canyon Rd. Palm Springs Ca. #blue #artshow #palmspring #palmdesert #gallery #artgallery #palmspringsstyle #palmspringslife #art #modernart #modernartist #brianhuberart #galleryshow […]