7 Feb 2018

In the studio: Not my Mardi Gras costume Looking for a less toxic way to varnish and finish my art pieces. Not many brain cells left to sacrifice. Testing some new finish coat products on upcoming art pieces. Always an adventure exploring and learning new techniques in the art world. Happy Wednesday and Mardi Gras from y’all . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Not my Mardi Gras costume Looking for a less toxic way to varnish and finish my art pieces. Not many brain cells left to sacrifice. Testing some new finish coat products on upcoming art pieces. Always an adventure exploring and learning new techniques in the art world. Happy Wednesday and Mardi Gras from y’all . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: carnival artlife gasmask artstudio studiotime brianhuberart varnish artistslife acrylicpainter nola abstractartist costumeparty mardigras acrylicpour painterslife lifelonglearner studio neworleans

7 Feb 2018

In the studio: Not my Mardi Gras costume Looking for a less toxic way to varnish and finish my art p

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Not my Mardi Gras #mardigras costume Looking for a less toxic way to varnish and finish my art pieces. Not many brain cells left to sacrifice. Testing some new finish coat products on upcoming art pieces. Always an adventure exploring and learning new techniques in the art world. Happy Wednesday and Mardi […]

7 Feb 2018

In the studio: Not my Mardi Gras costume Looking for a less toxic way to varnish and finish my art p

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Not my Mardi Gras #mardigras costume Looking for a less toxic way to varnish and finish my art pieces. Not many brain cells left to sacrifice. Testing some new finish coat products on upcoming art pieces. Always an adventure exploring and learning new techniques in the art world. Happy Wednesday and Mardi […]