12 Jun 2016
12 Jun 2016

In the studio: acrylic paint skins transforming into textures. Working on creating a bit of art as a

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: acrylic paint skins transforming into textures. Working on creating a bit of art as a

In the studio: acrylic paint skins transforming into textures. Working on creating a bit of art as a sanity pause in the middle of all the bad news out of Orlando. Quiet in the studio allows a bit of space to process the horrible events of the day. My thoughts are with the families and […]

12 Jun 2016

In the studio: acrylic paint skins transforming into textures. Working on creating a bit of art as a

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: acrylic paint skins transforming into textures. Working on creating a bit of art as a sanity pause in the middle of all the bad news out of Orlando. Quiet in the studio allows a bit of space to process the horrible events of the day. My thoughts are with the families and […]