In the studio: Last two finally done! Timelapse of rolling black purple and sky blue paint skins for a rather oversized project. As always includes me wrestling with a sheet of paint that escaped. Current Score: Artist: 3 Giant sticky sheet of paint: 0 . . 1st of three shows is this weekend – @icb_winter_open_studios at my studio in Sausalito. . Then off to Miami Art Week for @spectrummiami where I’ll be in booth 811.
brianhuberart Tagged: abstractpainter artprocess artvideo artlife rollsfordays timelapseart painterslife paintmixing liquidacrylic timelapse modernartist acrylicpaint acrylicpainting paintmixingvideos studiotime process californiaartist primarycolors artstudio brianhuberart paintingwithatwist abstract_art greenpaint goldenpaints artistslife paintingfun
In the studio: Peeling and rolling red and a bit of blue and then more red paint for a rather oversized project. Timelapse video includes me as is the custom wrestling with an 8’ long sheet of paint. Current Score: Artist: 2 Sticky sheets of paint: 0 . . Yep this is the factory mode when creating enough paint fabric to utilized in larger scale artwork takes weeks. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. .
brianhuberart Tagged: modernartist artstudio paintingfun brianhuberart studiovisit redpaint liquidacrylic acrylicpainting timelapseart artvideo fruitrollup artistslife artprocess artistsstudio slowmotionvideo abstractpainter artlife abstract_art timelapse rollsfordays process californiaartist goldenpaints studiotime acrylicpaint painterslife primarycolors paintmixing paintmixingvideos paintingwithatwist
In the studio: Peeling and rolling two of the 8 colors being produced for new projects. This timelapse is the last of the green and pink pieces. There are a few more days of creating paint fabric until the material gets used in artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: artprocess artstudio acrylicpaint artvideo slowmotionvideo primarycolors artlife fruitrollup timelapse paintmixingvideos modernartist liquidacrylic artistslife paintmixing rolls timelapseart paintingwithatwist process rollsfordays painter abstractpainter abstract_art painterslife acrylicpainting greenpaint californiaartist paintingfun brianhuberart studiotime goldenpaints
In the studio: Timelapse of a couple of grass green paint pours. For you folks keeping score at home this is color 7 of 8. The paint skin production is in full gear for week number two. Lots of acrylic paint on every available flat surface! Running low on supplies for some strange reason. UPS should be here early next week with a crate of paint. 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry.
brianhuberart Tagged: greenpaint painterslife mixingpaint kellygreen painter artprocess timelapse paintmixingvideos californiaartist abstractpainter artvideo liquidacrylic studiotime green modernartist paintingwithatwist artlife brianhuberart artistslife acrylicpaint artstudio paintingfun sfos2017 paintmixing process timelapseart acrylicpainting slowmotion
In the studio: Between the color coats are poured layers of clear acrylic paint. With 8 colors in this run that will be 8 tables full of clear gel. if you can’t tell the paint skin production is in full gear. 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry and be ready for color layers. Thanks for watching – Stay tuned…. . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: slowmotion artvideo modernartist artistslife mixingpaint liquidacrylic artlife galllons acrylicpainting primarycolors timelapseart clear process artist paintmixing californiaartist painterslife paintmixingvideos artstudio artprocess paintingwithatwist abstractpainter goldenpaints acrylicpour paintingfun studiotime acrylicpaint painter brianhuberart timelapse
In the studio: Timelapse video of lots of rich red and some pink too. Paint pour and paint skin production is in full gear. Two more colors to go to the end of this round of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint on every available flat surface. Stay tuned…. . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: studiotime artist californiaartist modernartist painterslife paintmixing slowmotion artprocess paintingwithatwist artstudio process mixingpaint timelapse artlife artistslife abstractpainter brianhuberart green paintingfun primarycolors timelapseart artvideo acrylicpaint pinkpaint goldenpaints liquidacrylic paintmixingvideos acrylicpainting
In the studio: Peeling and rolling yellow and green paint for a rather oversized project. Timelapse
In the studio: Peeling and rolling yellow and green paint for a rather oversized project. Timelapse video includes me wrestling with a sheet of green that escaped. . Current Score: Artist: 1 Sticky sheet of green paint: 0 . . .Yep still a few more days of creating paint fabric until the material gets utilized […]
In the studio: Peeling and rolling yellow and green paint for a rather oversized project. Timelapse video includes me wrestling with a sheet of green that escaped. Yep still a few more days of creating paint fabric until the material gets utilized in artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: goldenpaints greenpaint artlife artprocess abstract_art fruitrollup artvideo painter brianhuberart modernartist timelapse californiaartist liquidacrylic studiotime paintmixing abstractpainter acrylicpainting paintmixingvideos process painterslife acrylicpaint artistslife timelapseart primarycolors rollsfordays yellowpaint slowmotionvideo artstudio paintingfun paintingwithatwist
In the studio: Peeling and rolling yellow and green paint for a rather oversized project. Timelapse
In the studio: Peeling and rolling yellow and green paint for a rather oversized project. Timelapse video includes me wrestling with a sheet of green that escaped. . Current Score: Artist: 1 Sticky sheet of green paint: 0 . . .Yep still a few more days of creating paint fabric until the material gets utilized […]
In the studio: Peeling and rolling of one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is t
In the studio: Peeling and rolling of one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is the last of the green pieces. There are many more days of creating paint fabric until the material gets used in artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . . . #painter #bluepaint #rollsfordays #liquidacrylic #slowmotionvideo […]
In the studio: Peeling and rolling of one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is the last of the green pieces. There are many more days of creating paint fabric until the material gets used in artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: acrylicpainting artvideo paintmixing abstractpainter studiotime painterslife paintingwithatwist bluepaint artistslife artlife painter artprocess acrylicpaint greenpaint abstract_art goldenpaints process primarycolors timelapse fruitrollup timelapseart californiaartist artstudio slowmotionvideo modernartist liquidacrylic paintmixingvideos brianhuberart rollsfordays paintingfun
In the studio: Peeling and rolling of one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is t
In the studio: Peeling and rolling of one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is the last of the green pieces. There are many more days of creating paint fabric until the material gets used in artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . . . #painter #bluepaint #rollsfordays #liquidacrylic #slowmotionvideo […]
In the studio: And now for a bit of yellow to brighten up the studio. Starting the color mix with th
In the studio: And now for a bit of yellow to brighten up the studio. Starting the color mix with the warmth of Naples yellow and a few other hues plus whites make for a kickin’ yellow! Three colors down -Six more colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Watching […]
In the studio: And now for a bit of yellow to brighten up the studio. Starting the color mix with the warmth of Naples yellow and a few other hues plus whites make for a kickin’ yellow! Three colors down -Six more colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Watching paint dry is the next step. Stay tuned . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: timelapseart californiaartist artvideo artistslife liquidacrylic paintingfun artprocess studio acrylicpaint abstract_art yelllowpaint acrylicpainting painter studiotime artist paintmixing modernartist brianhuberart painterslife abstractpainter primarycolors hansayellow goldenpaints paintmixingvideos paintingwithatwist process artstudio artlife timelapse mixingpaint
In the studio: And now for a bit of yellow to brighten up the studio. Starting the color mix with th
In the studio: And now for a bit of yellow to brighten up the studio. Starting the color mix with the warmth of Naples yellow and a few other hues plus whites make for a kickin’ yellow! Three colors down -Six more colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Watching […]
In the studio: Peel and roll day for one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is th
In the studio: Peel and roll day for one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is the last of the luscious blue pieces with many more days of creating paint fabric to go. A long way until this material gets used in an artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . […]
In the studio: Peel and roll day for one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is the last of the luscious blue pieces with many more days of creating paint fabric to go. A long way until this material gets used in an artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: artist artprocess goldenpaints artistslife acrylicpainting californiaartist paintmixingvideos dontdropthecamera bluepaint slowmotion paintingwithatwist artlife timelapse painterslife abstract_art brianhuberart modernartist abstractpainter rollsfordays studiotime artvideo process liquidacrylic primarycolors artstudio timelapseart paintmixing paintingfun acrylicpaint painter
In the studio: Peel and roll day for one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is th
In the studio: Peel and roll day for one of the 7 colors being produced for new projects. This is the last of the luscious blue pieces with many more days of creating paint fabric to go. A long way until this material gets used in an artwork. Thanks for watching. Stay tuned. . . […]
In the studio: Verdant green paint pour extravaganza! The paint skin production is in full gear. Ano
In the studio: Verdant green paint pour extravaganza! The paint skin production is in full gear. Another fun round of pouring gallons of gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry. Later this week different color layers on some pours and pure color layers only on […]
In the studio: Verdant green paint pour extravaganza! The paint skin production is in full gear. Another fun round of pouring gallons of @goldenpaints gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry. Late this week more color layers on some and pure color only on others. Stay tuned…. . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: painterslife bluepaint artist paintmixingvideos artlife slowmotion brianhuberart mixingpaint acrylicpaint artstudio studiotime timelapse artprocess acrylicpainting californiaartist paintingwithatwist abstractpainter artistslife primarycolors artvideo green liquidacrylic greenpaint modernartist timelapseart process painter paintmixing goldenpaints paintingfun
In the studio: Verdant green paint pour extravaganza! The paint skin production is in full gear. Ano
In the studio: Verdant green paint pour extravaganza! The paint skin production is in full gear. Another fun round of pouring gallons of gels and paint on every available flat surface! 4 to 5 days for these pours to dry. Later this week different color layers on some pours and pure color layers only on […]
In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and go
In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and got 5 minutes of video of the studio floor! I do get extra points for utilizing the 8 year old art assistant as a counter weight The luscious blue extravaganza continues. I’ll add another coat […]
In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and we got 5 minutes of the studio floor! The Luscious blue extravaganza continues. I’ll add another coat then 4 to 5 days to dry. Stay tuned. . . . .
brianhuberart Tagged: californiaartist slowmotion blue artist abstract_art primarycolors artistslife brianhuberart artlife paintingwithatwist liquidacrylic dontdropthecamera goldenpaints artprocess timelapseart acrylicpaint modernartist bluepaint painterslife abstractpainter painter paintmixing paintingfun paintmixingvideos process timelapse acrylicpainting artstudio artvideo studiotime
In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and go
In the studio: Peel and flip day for coat number 3 – vid was going great until camera slipped and got 5 minutes of video of the studio floor! I do get extra points for utilizing the 8 year old art assistant as a counter weight The luscious blue extravaganza continues. I’ll add another coat […]
In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color d
In the studio: Anthro blue and a touch of zinc white makes for a gallon of perfect blue! One color down -Seven or eight colors each to be mixed in batches of 1.5 to 2 gallons. Lots of liquid acrylics and gels to get the desired quality and finish in my work. Stay tuned . […]