17 Dec 2018

Throwback to a time lapse of a commissioned piece. Getting more and more commissions as my art career has advanced. . . . In the studio: Time lapse Tuesday! Quick video of a 47" round textured piece with 5 different color fills being done. Adding the color acrylic paint fills is always my favorite part of the process. This piece is part of the "Braided Series" . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
Throwback to a time lapse of a commissioned piece. Getting more and more commissions as my art career has advanced. . . . In the studio: Time lapse Tuesday! Quick video of a 47" round textured piece with 5 different color fills being done. Adding the color acrylic paint fills is always my favorite part of the process. This piece is part of the "Braided Series" . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: timelapse acrylicpainting paintingvideo acrylicpainter abstractart paintmixing bayareaart inthestudio artlife video lapse contemporaryartist brianhuberart artstudio artvideos abstractpainting modernart studiolife studioflow studiovisit artistslife deadline painterslife roundpainting makingartwork process artvideo time_lapse artistworking goldenpaints

17 Dec 2018

Throwback to a time lapse of a commissioned piece. Getting more and more commissions as my art caree

Posted in Instagram Posts

Throwback to a time lapse of a commissioned piece. Getting more and more commissions as my art career has advanced. . . . In the studio: Time lapse Tuesday! Quick video of a 47″ round textured piece with 5 different color fills being done. Adding the color acrylic paint fills is always my favorite part […]

18 Apr 2018

In the studio! Tiny Triptych with a bit of paint icing in timelapse mode. Rewarding to see so many pieces for upcoming shows in the studio. @startupartfair and @marinopenstudios are both around the corner. Here’s to cranking up the music. Currently deadlines are my creative muse. . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio! Tiny Triptych with a bit of paint icing in timelapse mode. Rewarding to see so many pieces for upcoming shows in the studio. @startupartfair and @marinopenstudios are both around the corner. Here’s to cranking up the music. Currently deadlines are my creative muse. . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: modernpainter artwork_in_studio modernart startupartfairsf timelapseart artconsultant brianhuberart artistslife bayareaart sanfranciscoartist lapse artcollector artforsale artvideo abstractart studiotime studioflow icbartists createart smallpaintings startupartfair time_lapse abstractpainter marinopenstudios artstudio timelapse wip painterslife workinprogress

18 Apr 2018

In the studio! Tiny Triptych with a bit of paint icing in timelapse mode. Rewarding to see so many p

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio! Tiny Triptych with a bit of paint icing in timelapse mode. Rewarding to see so many pieces for upcoming shows in the studio. and are both around the corner. Here’s to cranking up the music. Currently deadlines are my creative muse. . . . . #artcollector #studiotime #studioflow #artstudio #createart #artistslife #abstractpainter […]

18 Apr 2018

In the studio! Tiny Triptych with a bit of paint icing in timelapse mode. Rewarding to see so many p

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio! Tiny Triptych with a bit of paint icing in timelapse mode. Rewarding to see so many pieces for upcoming shows in the studio. and are both around the corner. Here’s to cranking up the music. Currently deadlines are my creative muse. . . . . #artcollector #studiotime #studioflow #artstudio #createart #artistslife #abstractpainter […]

10 Apr 2018

Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. .. If you are in San Francisco look for my pieces at the @zk_gallery – if visiting Palm Springs check out my work @jorgemendezgallery . . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. .. If you are in San Francisco look for my pieces at the @zk_gallery – if visiting Palm Springs check out my work @jorgemendezgallery . . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: timelapsevideo artstudio workinprogress artistslife lapse brianhuberart jorgemendezgallery studioflow timelapseart zkgallery time_lapse artconsultant artcommission interiordesign videoart artvideo inthestudio painterslife paintmixing timelapse timelapsepainting artfair createart artcollector studiotime abstractpainter crankitup startupartfair

10 Apr 2018

Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be

Posted in Instagram Posts

Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. .. If you are in San Francisco look for my pieces at the – if visiting Palm Springs check out my work . . . . […]

10 Apr 2018

Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be

Posted in Instagram Posts

Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. .. If you are in San Francisco look for my pieces at the – if visiting Palm Springs check out my work . . . . […]

7 Apr 2018

In the studio: Ready to photograph and ship! 47" (119cm) round textured piece with six different color fills. This is a new palette for the braided series and is a custom piece commissioned for a medical building in Norcal. .still needs a title. Working title was “hippity hop” not really working for me.. .. . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Ready to photograph and ship! 47" (119cm) round textured piece with six different color fills. This is a new palette for the braided series and is a custom piece commissioned for a medical building in Norcal. .still needs a title. Working title was “hippity hop” not really working for me.. .. . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: studiolife acrylicpainter modernart artistslife painterslife artlife springtime goldenpaints untitled artadvisor artvideos studioflow brianhuberart paintingvideo process acrylicpainting artvideo makingartwork time_lapse deadline nameless springcolors studiovisit abstractpainting roundpainting artconsultant artstudio artistworking inthestudio

7 Apr 2018

In the studio: Ready to photograph and ship! 47" (119cm) round textured piece with six differen

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Ready to photograph and ship! 47″ (119cm) round textured piece with six different color fills. This is a new palette for the braided series and is a custom piece commissioned for a medical building in Norcal. .still needs a title. Working title was “hippity hop” not really working for me.. .. . […]

7 Apr 2018

In the studio: Ready to photograph and ship! 47" (119cm) round textured piece with six differen

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Ready to photograph and ship! 47″ (119cm) round textured piece with six different color fills. This is a new palette for the braided series and is a custom piece commissioned for a medical building in Norcal. .still needs a title. Working title was “hippity hop” not really working for me.. .. . […]

1 Apr 2018

In the studio: Time lapse with spring colors! Spring has sprung in this quick video of a 47" round textured piece with six different color fills being applied. This is a new palette for the braided series. Adding the color acrylic paint fills is always my favorite part of the process. This is a custom piece commissioned for a medical building in Norcal. . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Time lapse with spring colors! Spring has sprung in this quick video of a 47" round textured piece with six different color fills being applied. This is a new palette for the braided series. Adding the color acrylic paint fills is always my favorite part of the process. This is a custom piece commissioned for a medical building in Norcal. . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: timelapse acrylicpainting process roundpainting time_lapse lapse artistworking studiolife artlife springcolors artvideo painterslife artadvisor makingartwork studioflow studiovisit deadline acrylicpainter video goldenpaints artstudio modernart artconsultant springtime paintingvideo artistslife inthestudio abstractpainting brianhuberart artvideos

1 Apr 2018

In the studio: Time lapse with spring colors! Spring has sprung in this quick video of a 47" ro

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Time lapse with spring colors! Spring has sprung in this quick video of a 47″ round textured piece with six different color fills being applied. This is a new palette for the braided series. Adding the color acrylic paint fills is always my favorite part of the process. This is a custom […]

1 Apr 2018

In the studio: Time lapse with spring colors! Spring has sprung in this quick video of a 47" ro

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Time lapse with spring colors! Spring has sprung in this quick video of a 47″ round textured piece with six different color fills being applied. This is a new palette for the braided series. Adding the color acrylic paint fills is always my favorite part of the process. This is a custom […]

24 Feb 2018

Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old painting that was damaged. Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a 20×20 panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. Stay tuned for more art vids. . . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old painting that was damaged. Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a 20×20 panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. Stay tuned for more art vids. . . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: artvideo goldenpaints timelapseart painter artistslife time_lapse lapse timelapse videoart brianhuberart interiordesign timelapsevideo painterslife artcollector artstudio studiotime studioflow texture abstractpainter artcommission sanfranciscoartist paintmixing timelapsepainting createart crankitup workinprogress videooftheday artconsultant bayareaart inthestudio

24 Feb 2018

Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old pain

Posted in Instagram Posts

Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old painting that was damaged. Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a 20×20 panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces […]

24 Feb 2018

Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old pain

Posted in Instagram Posts

Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old painting that was damaged. Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a 20×20 panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces […]

22 Feb 2018

In the studio: last of the small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color These samples are for art consultants that rep my work to use when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color being added in a few days. . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: last of the small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color These samples are for art consultants that rep my work to use when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color being added in a few days. . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: process studiolife studiovisit acrylicpainting goldenpaints artistslife brianhuberart bayareaart studioflow roundpainting contemporaryartist artvideos artconsultant video artlife time_lapse artvideo modernart abstractpainting artistworking inthestudio timelapse lapse makingartwork paintingvideo artstudio acrylicpainter abstractart paintmixing painterslife

22 Feb 2018

In the studio: last of the small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color. These samples

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: last of the small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color. These samples are for art consultants that rep my work. Much more compelling to have a sample when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color being added in a few days. . . . #lapse #timelapse #video #artvideo […]

22 Feb 2018

In the studio: last of the small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color. These samples

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: last of the small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color. These samples are for art consultants that rep my work. Much more compelling to have a sample when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color being added in a few days. . . . #lapse #timelapse #video #artvideo […]

11 Feb 2018

In the studio: Time lapse video of small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color fills. Adding the fills is my favorite part of the process as the paintings finally have movement. These samples are for art consultants that rep my work to use when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color being added in a few days. . . .

Posted in Instagram Posts
In the studio: Time lapse video of small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color fills. Adding the fills is my favorite part of the process as the paintings finally have movement. These samples are for art consultants that rep my work to use when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color being added in a few days. . . .

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: artistslife artlife artstudio timelapse contemporaryartist studiolife roundpainting artistworking brianhuberart goldenpaints abstractart time_lapse paintingvideo acrylicpainter video studioflow artvideos artvideo modernart makingartwork studiovisit artconsultant process painterslife abstractpainting acrylicpainting lapse paintmixing bayareaart inthestudio

11 Feb 2018

In the studio: Time lapse video of small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color fills.

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Time lapse video of small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color fills. Adding the fills is my favorite part of the process as the paintings finally have movement. These samples are for art consultants that rep my work to use when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color […]

11 Feb 2018

In the studio: Time lapse video of small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color fills.

Posted in Instagram Posts

In the studio: Time lapse video of small sample size textured pieces being prepped for color fills. Adding the fills is my favorite part of the process as the paintings finally have movement. These samples are for art consultants that rep my work to use when discussing commissions with their clients. Stay tuned for color […]

15 Jan 2018

Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming show at @startupartfair January 26-28th in Los Angeles. These pieces and a number of new works will be available at this 3 day art fair event. Stay tuned for more art vids. Check out my work at these shows: . Last day today: Palm Beach Modern+Contemporary Art Fair presented by @artmiamifairs January 11-15. Palm Beach Florida. Look for my

Posted in Instagram Posts
Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming show at @startupartfair January 26-28th in Los Angeles. These pieces and a number of new works will be available at this 3 day art fair event. Stay tuned for more art vids. Check out my work at these shows: . Last day today: Palm Beach Modern+Contemporary Art Fair presented by @artmiamifairs January 11-15. Palm Beach Florida. Look for my

brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: timelapsepainting brianhuberart interiordesign timelapseart crankitup artvideo timelapsevideo startupartfair time_lapse artcollector artfair abstractpainter lapse videoart inthestudio artcommission artstudio videooftheday workinprogress paintmixing artistslife timelapse goldenpaints createart painterslife artconsultant studioflow studiotime

15 Jan 2018

Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming s

Posted in Instagram Posts

Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming show at January 26-28th in Los Angeles. These pieces and a number of new works will be available at this 3 day art fair event. Stay tuned for more art vids. Check out my work at these shows: . […]

15 Jan 2018

Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming s

Posted in Instagram Posts

Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming show at January 26-28th in Los Angeles. These pieces and a number of new works will be available at this 3 day art fair event. Stay tuned for more art vids. Check out my work at these shows: . […]