Tuesday night in the studio: Sometimes studio time is the simple repetition of multiple under coats. Maybe 4 coats to get these canvases closer to the glossy and rich base surface I like. A series of multi panel gestural pieces are in the works. Stay tuned for more art vids and studio adventures. . . .
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: artvideo wip sanfranciscoartist timelapsevideo artstudio lapse inthestudio bayareaart studiotime whitepaint workinprogress artistslife painterslife interiordesign timelapse paintmixing timelapseart artcommission timelapsepainting videoart abstractpainter tondo artcollector goldenpaints crankitup artconsultant videooftheday studioflow createart brianhuberart
Tuesday night in the studio: Sometimes studio time is the simple repetition of multiple under coats.
Tuesday night in the studio: Sometimes studio time is the simple repetition of multiple under coats. Maybe 4 coats to get these canvases closer to the glossy and rich base surface I like. A series of multi panel gestural pieces are in the works. Stay tuned for more art vids and studio adventures. . . […]
Sunday afternoon in the studio: And now for some color! Warm grey palette fill and edges done too – a 23” (58cm) round commissioned piece. ..love this part where everything comes together quickly. . With a very sunny and warm day outside hard not to play outside all day with fun projects and shows staying soon definitely time get work on the easel. Stay tuned for more art vids. .and adventures. . . .
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: interiordesign artconsultant sanfranciscoartist videoart studioflow lapse timelapse painter inthestudio artstudio timelapseart brianhuberart timelapsevideo workinprogress artvideo tondo bayareaart texture timelapsepainting crankitup abstractpainter artcollector artcommission studiotime paintmixing goldenpaints painterslife artistslife abstractpainters createart
Sunday afternoon in the studio: And now for some color! Warm grey palette fill and edges done too –
Sunday afternoon in the studio: And now for some color! Warm grey palette fill and edges done too – a 23” (58cm) round commissioned piece. ..love this part where everything comes together quickly. . With a very sunny and warm day outside hard not to play outside all day with fun projects and shows staying […]
Thursday night in the studio: Fill and more fill on a 23” (58cm) round commissioned piece. . Sligh
Thursday night in the studio: Fill and more fill on a 23” (58cm) round commissioned piece. . Slightly over edited timelapse of first no color sealer coat on a round panel. With a very sunny and warm 1st week of spring it’s definitely time get work on the easel. Stay tuned for more art vids. […]
Sunday in the studio time lapse texture time! Cranking up on a 23” (58cm) round commissioned piece. . Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a round panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. Stay tuned for more art vids. . . . . #
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: goldenpaints artvideo artstudio lapse artconsultant timelapsevideo painterslife crankitup artistslife brianhuberart timelapsepainting artcommission texture timelapse workinprogress studioflow videoart tondo artcollector sanfranciscoartist interiordesign studiotime abstractpainter bayareaart timelapseart videooftheday inthestudio createart paintmixing painter
Sunday in the studio time lapse texture time! Cranking up on a 23” (58cm) round commissioned piece
Sunday in the studio time lapse texture time! Cranking up on a 23” (58cm) round commissioned piece. . Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a round panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows […]
Hey there America – If you don’t vote you may not like what the others voters choose for you and your future. Every vote counts today more than ever! Let’s make America kind again. Vote out hate and fear. Not sure of your polling place? Go to www.votesaveamerica.com to enter your address and find out. . . . . . #voted️
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: ivoted bluewave2018 voteearly ivoted voteblue timelapseart voted️ brianhuberart bluewave timelapsevideo electionday voted vote election2018
Hey there America – If you don’t vote you may not like what the other voters choose for you and yo
Hey there America – If you don’t vote you may not like what the other voters choose for you and your future. Every vote counts today more than ever! Let’s make America kind again. Vote out hate and fear. Not sure of your polling place? Go to www.votesaveamerica.com to enter your address and find out. […]
Hey there America – If you don’t vote you may not like what the other voters choose for you and yo
Hey there America – If you don’t vote you may not like what the other voters choose for you and your future. Every vote counts today more than ever! Let’s make America kind again. Vote out hate and fear. Not sure of your polling place? Go to www.votesaveamerica.com to enter your address and find out. […]
Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. .. If you are in San Francisco look for my pieces at the @zk_gallery – if visiting Palm Springs check out my work @jorgemendezgallery . . . . .
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: timelapsevideo artstudio workinprogress artistslife lapse brianhuberart jorgemendezgallery studioflow timelapseart zkgallery time_lapse artconsultant artcommission interiordesign videoart artvideo inthestudio painterslife paintmixing timelapse timelapsepainting artfair createart artcollector studiotime abstractpainter crankitup startupartfair
Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be
Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. .. If you are in San Francisco look for my pieces at the – if visiting Palm Springs check out my work . . . . […]
Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be
Time lapse sample texture time! Knocking out a small sample piece for an art consultant. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. .. If you are in San Francisco look for my pieces at the – if visiting Palm Springs check out my work . . . . […]
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old painting that was damaged. Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a 20×20 panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. Stay tuned for more art vids. . . . .
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: artvideo goldenpaints timelapseart painter artistslife time_lapse lapse timelapse videoart brianhuberart interiordesign timelapsevideo painterslife artcollector artstudio studiotime studioflow texture abstractpainter artcommission sanfranciscoartist paintmixing timelapsepainting createart crankitup workinprogress videooftheday artconsultant bayareaart inthestudio
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old pain
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old painting that was damaged. Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a 20×20 panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces […]
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old pain
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing this completely new copy of an old painting that was damaged. Slightly caffeinated timelapse of laying down some texture on a 20×20 panel. Spring has hit the Bay Area and it’s definitely time to emerge from winter and get working on a number of pieces […]
Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming show at @startupartfair January 26-28th in Los Angeles. These pieces and a number of new works will be available at this 3 day art fair event. Stay tuned for more art vids. Check out my work at these shows: . Last day today: Palm Beach Modern+Contemporary Art Fair presented by @artmiamifairs January 11-15. Palm Beach Florida. Look for my
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: timelapsepainting brianhuberart interiordesign timelapseart crankitup artvideo timelapsevideo startupartfair time_lapse artcollector artfair abstractpainter lapse videoart inthestudio artcommission artstudio videooftheday workinprogress paintmixing artistslife timelapse goldenpaints createart painterslife artconsultant studioflow studiotime
Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming s
Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming show at January 26-28th in Los Angeles. These pieces and a number of new works will be available at this 3 day art fair event. Stay tuned for more art vids. Check out my work at these shows: . […]
Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming s
Time lapse texture time continues! Sunday night completing a few more small pieces for my upcoming show at January 26-28th in Los Angeles. These pieces and a number of new works will be available at this 3 day art fair event. Stay tuned for more art vids. Check out my work at these shows: . […]
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing a few small pieces for my show @startup
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing a few small pieces for my show January 26-28th in Los Angeles. Quick timelapse of laying down some texture on small panels. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. Stay tuned for more art vids. . Next shows: […]
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing a few small pieces for my show @startup
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing a few small pieces for my show January 26-28th in Los Angeles. Quick timelapse of laying down some texture on small panels. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. Stay tuned for more art vids. . Next shows: […]
Time lapse texture time! Cranking up the speed on completing a few small pieces for my show @startupartfair on January 26-28th in Los Angeles. Quick timelapse of laying down some texture on small panels. Great to be working on a number of pieces for upcoming shows and clients. Stay tuned for more art vids. . Next shows: . This weekend: Palm Beach Modern+Contemporary Art Fair presented by @artmiamifairs January 11-15. Palm Beach Florida. Look for
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: painterslife time_lapse timelapse interiordesign goldenpaints artfair workinprogress timelapsepainting artcommission timelapsevideo artvideo artcollector studioflow createart artistslife inthestudio lapse videooftheday startupartfair studiotime paintmixing crankitup timelapseart videoart brianhuberart artconsultant artstudio abstractpainter
SF Open studios show setup timelapse. . This weekend -You are invited to visit my open studios show in S.F. I and five other amazing artists will be showing in the SOMA /Mission Bay area of San Francisco on Artspan @artspansf Weekend 4: Show Dates: Saturday November 4 and Sunday November 5th 2017 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Location: Mission Bay Park Pavilion 290 Channel Street San Francisco CA
brianhuberart http://instagram.com/brianhuberart Tagged: goldenpaints bayareaart artistslife videooftheday lapse sfos2017 paintmixing artshow artstudio artist artcollector artconsultant brianhuberart sanfranciscoartist artcommission studiotime painterslife abstractpainter openstudio studioflow timelapsevideo artvideo createart
In the studio: First look at this new 47” round (1.19m) on the wall. Any suggestions for name? Thi
In the studio: First look at this new 47” round (1.19m) on the wall. Any suggestions for name? This one will be shown at my San Francisco open studio event during the 4th weekend of Nov 4th and 5th. See San Francisco open studios info below. Great to be working on a number of pieces […]
In the studio: First look at this new 47” round (1.19m) on the wall. Any suggestions for name? Thi
In the studio: First look at this new 47” round (1.19m) on the wall. Any suggestions for name? This one will be shown at my San Francisco open studio event during the 4th weekend of Nov 4th and 5th. See San Francisco open studios info below. Great to be working on a number of pieces […]