Yep it is time to bury a lot more of the monuments that cast painful shadows across our land. @nicho

Yep it is time to bury a lot more of the monuments that cast painful shadows across our land. projects a strong image with his burial piece. His project is for Australia but the timing is perfect. Many of the confederate monuments installed during Jim Crow are tumbling down in the United States. Statues and monuments to those that fought and lost the civil war and tried to continue slavery should be buried and not left towering overhead in our public spaces. No monuments for traitors, racists, slave owners, and losers. .
#repost ・・・
A prospective burial site for Hyde Park’s Captian Cook statue at – artwork by Nicholas Galanin. ‘Shadow on the Land, an excavation and bush buriel, 2020’. .
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please take a moment to read the excellent recap of this powerful piece on .
#blacklivesmatter #teardownraciststatues #teardownracistmonuments #teardownracism #offwiththeirheads #burythetraitor #burythepast #confederatestatues #participationtrophy #nicholasgalanin #blmmovement #blm #noracistmonuments #burial #burialground #losers #shadow #archeologicalsite #diggingupthepast
Tagged: losers noracistmonuments blacklivesmatter teardownracism participationtrophy diggingupthepast burial confederatestatues teardownracistmonuments offwiththeirheads burialground repost blm blmmovement nicholasgalanin shadow burythepast archeologicalsite burythetraitor teardownraciststatues