In the studio: It's blue tape edge prep night in studio land. Nice deep birch wood panels almos

In the studio: It’s blue tape edge prep night in studio land. Nice deep birch wood panels almost too pretty to paint on. 5 sets of samples being prepped for art consultants and designers. With my unusual style of work having sample paintings on hand helps demonstrate my texture and finishes. Welcome to the glamorous part of the art filled life. Happy Saturday y’all. .
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#video #artvideo #paintmixing #lapse #artistlife #timelapse #acrylicpainting #process #bayareaartist #artvid #studiotime #studioflow #abstractpainting #acrylicpaint #painterslife #videoart #brianhuberart #artwork #showprep #artcommission #watchingpaintdry #undercoat #woodpanel #abstractartist #minime #woodpanel #icbartists #gesso #whiteoutconditions #artconsultant #interiordesigner

Tagged: artcommission whiteoutconditions artvideo process painterslife showprep artconsultant artvid studioflow video abstractpainting timelapse interiordesigner undercoat studiotime bayareaartist acrylicpainting acrylicpaint woodpanel watchingpaintdry brianhuberart lapse artwork minime artistlife gesso abstractartist videoart icbartists paintmixing