In the studio: New colors – 10 mixes kinda close and 10 more to go. Not liking purple or the hospital ward green outcomes currently – but tomorrow's a new day in color mixing land. Stay tuned.

Posted on Mar 12, 2017 in Instagram Posts
In the studio: New colors – 10 mixes kinda close and 10 more to go. Not liking purple or the hospital ward green outcomes currently – but tomorrow's a new day in color mixing land. Stay tuned.

In the studio: New colors - 10 mixes kinda close and 10 more to go. Not liking purple or the hospital ward green outcomes currently - but tomorrow's a new day in color mixing land. Stay tuned.


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In the studio: New colors - 10 mixes kinda close and 10 more to go. Not liking purple or the hospital ward green outcomes currently - but tomorrow's a new day in color mixing land. Stay tuned.

Tagged: artistworking acrylicpainting colormixing color studiotime hospitalgreen studiolife colorstudy artwork testing brianhuberart abstractartist samples palette practice acrylicpaint artistslife paintmixing sausalito artstudio saturday goldenpaints colorpurple paints institutionalgreen painterslife progress

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In the studio: New colors - 10 mixes kinda close and 10 more to go. Not liking purple or the hospital ward green outcomes currently - but tomorrow's a new day in color mixing land. Stay tuned.