not in the studio: helping out on a multi mural project and interactive art install in San Francisco

not in the studio: helping out on a multi mural project and interactive art install in San Francisco. Today’s project is a rough layout scaling eyes to 12’ x 7. Then building the plywood panels. These eyes will be suspended in two openings on the building. after a few coats of primer the 👁 eyes will be sprayed by a Bay Area muralist..
#muralart #wip #layout #scaleup #roughsketch #brianhuberart #umbrellaalleysf #eyes #eyecandy #workinprogress #wallmurals #seetheworld

Tagged: workinprogress seetheworld roughsketch muralart wallmurals eyes umbrellaalleysf scaleup brianhuberart eyecandy layout wip