Occasionally as an artist you get the joy of commissioning another artist for a big project.
on Aug 3, 2019
in Instagram Posts

Occasionally as an artist you get the joy of commissioning another artist for a big project. In this case the very talented @maxfieldbala is painting a wall mural at my San Francisco office. The “Greetings from San Francisco” piece is about 75% done. Old school postcard design featuring iconic San Francisco locations and landmarks. Of course the project has a IG @greetingsfromsanfran and live steaming web cam too at https://Greetingsfromsanfran.com . . . . .
Tagged: greetingsfromsanfrancisco greetingsfromsanfran muralsdaily sf postcard fishermanswharf onlyinsf mural spraypaintart greetingsfromsf muralpainting maxfieldbala sanfrancisco artcommission muralartist greetingsfrom