"The voting booth joint is a great leveler; the whole neighborhood — rich, poor, old, young,

“The voting booth joint is a great leveler; the whole neighborhood — rich, poor, old, young, decrepit and spunky — they all turn out in one day.” — David Byrne “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” — John Quincy Adams “Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government when it deserves it.” — Mark Twain. Flag painting by Jasper Johns. #vote #votequote #quoteoftheday #election #electionday #dontforgettovote #voteearly #brianhuberart #presidentialelection #jasperjohns #flagpainting #usaflag #flag #imwithher #voteforhillary #ivoted #dontforgettovote
Tagged: vote votequote quoteoftheday election electionday dontforgettovote voteearly brianhuberart presidentialelection jasperjohns flagpainting usaflag flag imwithher voteforhillary ivoted dontforgettovote