Time lapse Sunday! Filling the 1st clear coat / fill on two small sample pieces. These are two mock

Time lapse Sunday! Filling the 1st clear coat / fill on two small sample pieces. These are two mock up / color approval samples for a much larger commission piece. Commissions include a couple rounds of samples and color studies. Soon to come – the addition of color fills in sample will make it pop and flow. Satisfying to see so many commissions in the pipeline. Here’s to cranking up the rock n roll and letting the work flow. .Happy Labor Day weekend y’all .
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Tagged: timelapse studiotime timelapseart painter workinprogress bayareaart artforsale modernpainter sanfranciscoartist artconsultant lapse paintmixing timelapsetuesday artist_features videooftheday artvideo artwork_in_studio abstractart modernart timelapsepainting painterslife artstudio brianhuberart artistslife abstractpainter createart wip artcollector studioflow artcommission